
Eureporter: An EU agency that ignores EU Treaty commitments

Writes Dick Roche EU Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001  aims to ensure that EU citizens can exercise their right of access to all documents held by the EU institutions. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights also guarantees EU citizens the right of Access to documents held by EU institutions.  Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union requires that the “Union’s institutions bodies offices and agencies shall conduct their work as openly as possible” and again enshrines a legal right of access to documents held by EU institutions and agencies.

Lagaleg þróun hjá NOVIS - Mars 2024

NOVIS óskar þess að upplýsa viðskiptavini og samstarfsaðila um nýjustu þróun mála í yfirstandandi lagalegum ágreining félagsins við yfirvöld.

​NOVIS mótmælir ákvörðun Seðlabanka Slóvakíu (NBS) og mun fara með málið fyrir dómstóla

Yfirlýsing okkar Þann 5. júní 2023 ákvað Seðlabanki Slóvakíu að afturkalla tryggingaleyfi NOVIS. Tryggingafélagið NOVIS hefur farið yfir þessa ákvörðun sem var undirrituð af seðlabankastjóra Slóvakíu, Peter Kažimír, -og furðar félagið sig á fjölda villna sem þar standa. Að auki voru gögn sem NOVIS lagði fyrir NBS hunsuð að öllu leyti. Má þar nefna sérfræðiálit dómkvadds matsmanns frá Vínarborg, sem fullyrðir að NBS hafi raskað gjaldþolsmörkum NOVIS að svo miklu leyti að sérfræðingurinn notaði hugtakið „fölsun“ í tengslum við málsmeðferð NBS.  

Important notice

In October 2021, NOVIS sent a notice to its policyholders of the insurance product Wealth Insuring, Life Savings Plan, and Flexible Savings Plan, where they were informed that certain changes had been made to the terms of the insurance, which included contracts. The Central Bank of Iceland has reviewed these changes and believes that the information we provided to our customers at the time was not sufficient according to Icelandic law and therefore did not sufficiently protect the interests and safety of customers as required by Icelandic law.

Investing in the energy transition: the NOVIS Sustainability Plus fund

Always attentive to new opportunities emerging on the market and the need to diversify portfolios with a view to sustainability, NOVIS launched a fund in 2022 to allow investments in companies that produce clean energy. 

Annuity or capital: NOVIS offers freedom of choice

At the end of the NOVIS life insurance policy contract, you can choose whether to receive the capital in a lump sum or in the form of an annuity, scheduled to a specific time scale, thus supplementing your earned income or pension

NOVIS, insurance solutions that help people

Among the innovations introduced by the international insurance company is the option of suspending premium payments while keeping the insurance coverage in place, to cope with unforeseen changes.

Inflation, central banks and interest rates: what will happen in 2023

According to the experts, rates will continue to rise at a slower pace than in 2022, while we will have to wait until 2024 to see a reduction. What scenarios are opening up for investors? 

From COVID to an ageing population: how the labour market is changing in Europe

Career prospects and dynamics play a crucial role in financial planning, as they impact on available incomes and the need for protection. After COVID, big changes are taking place in the European labor market. Let's take a look at them. 

Covid, war, gas crisis: expectations for 2023

2022 was a difficult year for the financial markets, which reacted to the international scenario with high volatility. 2023 will still be affected by international dynamics, but there could be an improvement. 

Termination of sales: NOVIS Wealth Insuring; New product offer: NOVIS Life Savings Plan

Regarding the product Wealth Insuring, NOVIS has decided not to offer this product anymore, mainly as a result of a new European law – Directive (EU) 2016/97 on insurance distribution (IDD). The reason is that the Directive in question requires a sales strategy within which this product may be offered mainly to clients with higher education and experience with the financial market. A similar view was also expressed by several regulators throughout Europe.


Hereby we would like to inform you that company NOVIS Poisťovňa a.s., with its registered seat at Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 2, 811 02 Bratislava, Company ID No.: 47 251 301, registered with the Commercial register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sa, Insert No. 5851/B (hereinafter only „NOVIS“) changed its business name with effective date from 5th of April 2019. New official company name is:  

NOVIS Life Insurance: The Widest Coverage

What makes NOVIS’ offer unique and how to tailor the insurance contract NOVIS’ policy includes both life insurance and the opportunity to invest in an outstanding range of insurance funds. Based on its innovative approach, NOVIS has created a unique offer aimed at making the client fully satisfied from a long-term perspective. The product is designed to be fair, transparent, and flexible.

NOVIS’ new life insurance product “SENSUM Életbiztosítás” is available in Hungary

As of October 2018, a new life insurance product “SENSUM Életbiztosítás” is available for NOVIS’ clients in Hungary. The offer replaces the company’s previously available product portfolio.

NOVIS Insurance Company offers a new product “Universal Life” in Italy

NOVIS has launched a new life insurance product in Italy called “Universal Life” replacing its “Wealth Insuring” offer (which entered the Italian market in May 2017).

First European Life Insurance Company jumping into the digital currency age

Sankt Gallen, Switzerland - July 2017 -, an AML-compliant digital currency payment processor, has recently announced its new partnership with EU-based NOVIS Insurance Company which will enable the insurer to accept digital currency in all of their markets.